Ovarian Cancer Alliance of Greater Cincinnati
Find A Clinical Trial
One-Stop Ovarian Cancer Clinical Trials Search and Matching Service
Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance has partnerships with EmergingMed to make sure that patients diagnosed with ovarian cancer know all of their treatment options—including clinical trials. We also encourage you to visit ClinicalTrials.gov
The Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance Clinical Trials Matching Service is a free and confidential pre-screening and referral service that quickly identifies clinical trials to match each woman’s specific ovarian cancer type, stage, treatment history and geographic location. Clinical Trial Specialists are available by telephone to guide patients, families and health care professionals through a search of over 330 ovarian cancer studies in the United States and Canada. After an initial pre-screening conversation, the Clinical Trial Specialist assists women to make sure:
- A woman receives a call back from a matched study.
- Women receive detailed study information to share with their medical teams.
- No one is alone in this process!
- All questions are answered.
The Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance Clinical Trials Matching Service is designed to give women matches quickly so they have plenty of time to discuss clinical trials options with their medical team and to weigh the risks and benefits of all their options.
The Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance Clinical Trials Matching Service aims to:
- Raise awareness of ovarian cancer clinical trials.
- Increase the number of women who identify ovarian cancer clinical trials as part of their review of care and treatment options.
- Reduce the number of women who get lost or overwhelmed by the search process.
- Provide a one-stop resource on ovarian cancer clinical trials.
About Emerging Med
This one-stop service provides a comprehensive yet simplified system for women to find and link to clinical trial options for ovarian cancer. Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance Clinical Trials Navigating Service provides information on current clinical trials in the United States and Canada. Women can customize their searches based on a range of criteria that includes the specific ovarian cancer type, stage, treatment history and place where she can enroll.
EmergingMed operates the country’s largest cancer clinical trial matching and referral service. More than 70,000 cancer patients have been prescreened and referred to its database of 8,000 cancer clinical trials.
The cornerstone of EmergingMed’s service offering is confidential, phone-based support through the clinical trial search process by its Clinical Trial Specialists.
For more information, call 1-800-535-1682 or visit the Alliance’s website at: https://app.emergingmed.com/ocra/home/